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A&P Certificate Replacement
If you have already replaced your paper A&P certificate, then this message is not for you. On the other hand, if your A&P certificate is still printed on paper, please read carefully. The FAA is under a mandate to replace all paper certificates with plastic certificates. If you do not replace your paper certificate on or before March 31, 2013, you will no longer be able to exercise your privileges! All certificated Airmen, including mechanics, repairmen, pilots, etc., are required to replace their paper copy with a plastic copy, or they will no longer be able to exercise the privileges of that certificate. The best way to get a new replacement certificate is to follow the instructions on the FAA site. The replacement cost is $2.00, unless you still have your Social Security Number on your certificate and you ask to have it removed. Replacement Certificate Link

Airframe and Powerplant
Airframe and Powerplant License. The FAA Airframe and Powerplant license course is held on the third week of every month. We break it down to three segments focusing on one subject at a time. Monday we start with the .General. classroom instruction. During the "General" we cover basic math, electricity, physics, graphs, drawings, weight and balance, basic tools, and general privileges. Tuesday morning take your "General" exams. After successfully completing the exam we will move on to the "Airframe" and "Powerplant" one at a time and repeat the process. All exams will be taken at our facility during the week.

Although rare, if a student should fail an exam the FAA requires a 48 hour waiting period before a retake can be scheduled. Normally students will continue studying and take the remaining exams, leaving the retake to the end of the week. This will allow for additional instruction and study time in order to prepare for the retake. Aerotech offers one free retake per test subject.

When a student completes the written exams we will offer a brief oral and practical prep at no additional charge. We will then assist you in scheduling your oral and practical exam with one of the local DME's in the area.

A&P Authorizations and Prerequisites
The A&P mechanics course is for applicants who meet FAR 65.71-65.77 only. Under these regulations, you must have a certain type of mechanical experience before the F.A.A. will allow you to take the F.A.A. written exams. The required experience for the powerplant mechanic rating is a minimum of 18 months working with tools on any type of aircraft engine. The required experience for the airframe mechanic rating is a minimum of 18 months working with tools on any type of airframe. If you want both ratings, and your experience was a combination of airframe and powerplant, then you need a total of 30 months experience for both. You must obtain 2 original FAA form 8610-2 signed by the FAA giving you authorization to take the exams prior to enrolling in a class.

Course Fees
  • $1075.00 Full A&P
  • $780.00 A or P with General
  • $480.00 A or P without General
  • Includes: instruction, books, materials, exams and retake
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